1977年,我们被委任为新加坡的能源供应商之一. Since then, we’ve held on to our promise. The promise that we’ll power our nation, with energy solutions created with our people in mind. Energy that helps you live sustainably. Energy you can trust. 这种能量将伴随你和你的子孙后代一生.
我们一直在寻找方法来帮助家庭# livesmartsavessmart. 比如设计能源计划,让你更好地控制自己的账单. 为你提供更多的方法来减轻你的碳足迹. 在不久的将来,给你带来智能技术的力量, 在你努力工作的时候,帮助你的亲人在家里安全.
We understand that operating expenses play a vital role in maintaining your business’s profitability. 因此,尽管市场状况仍不确定, we stand firm on helping our corporate clients to lower their business risk in a volatile energy market. Smart energy consumption-monitoring and transparent billing solutions are some of the many ways we help you to better manage your energy bills.
We believe in taking charge of our future. 随着能源世界向可再生能源和可持续能源过渡, 我们在新加坡率先向净零排放迈进. Our current initiatives include exploring cleaner energy options with industry leaders to pave the way for a greener, brighter tomorrow.
Senoko Power Station is a combined cycle power station and the only power generation plant in northern Singapore. 作为镇上最大最高效的发电厂之一, Senoko电站的许可容量为2,644兆瓦(MW),供应全国约20%的电力需求.
The power plant originally operated under the Public Utilities Board (PUB) in Singapore between 1977 and 1995, 随后于1995年剥离给新加坡电力. 在2008年被一家全球财团收购后, 该电站目前由网站网址 Ltd全资运营.
该公司的零售部门销售电力和能源解决方案, aimed at helping households and businesses manage their energy costs and improve their energy efficiency.
A licensed gas shipper and retailer that is authorised by the Energy Market Authority to ship gas throughout the country's gas network.
在新加坡经济发展的初级阶段, the Public Utilities Board (PUB) saw the need to establish a reliable supply of electricity for the country.
In 1977, Senoko Power Station was built as part of PUB’s plan for energy self-reliance. 我们的首站位于前英国海军基地三巴旺. 1977年7月31日由当时的外交部长S. Rajaratnam, 该厂号称拥有那个时代最先进的一些技术, including a 3x120MW steam plant with computer-based control system and automatic data logging system for operations.
Built on the tenet of innovation, 我们不断探索更清洁、更高效的发电方式.
1992: First power generation company in Singapore to import clean natural gas for power generation, reducing carbon emissions by 42%
1997: 首先启动了一个同时使用天然气和柴油的联合循环工厂, with a total generation capacity of 850MW
1998: Our first ISO certification — ISO 9001
The Executive Committee was formed to assist the Board and is responsible for supervising the management of the Group's operations within the limits of the executive power delegated by the Board.
It also oversees the day-to-day business operations and the implementation of strategies and policies of the Group, meeting regularly to review the progress of corporate development projects and business performance.
董事会确定总体战略方向, corporate objectives, 本集团的财务及营运政策. 它监督管理和公司治理, 并监督绩效标准和政策问题. 这是直接或通过其执行委员会和审计委员会进行的, 或者通过委派给高级管理人员的方式.
Chairman of the Board
网站网址 Ltd
Assistant General Manager
Overseas Power Department I
Marubeni Corp
Chief Operating Office, Technical & Operational Support
Vice President, Thermal AMEA
Division 2, Equity Investment Department
Japan Bank for International Cooperation
Vice President
Finance, Flexible Generation & Retail AMEA
General Manager, Sector III
Overseas Power Department I
Marubeni Corp
President & CEO
网站网址 Ltd
Asia Asset Management Department
Asia Division
Kyuden International Corporation
General Manager
Overseas Power Department I
Marubeni Corp
Managing Director
Thermal & Supply AMEA
Country Manager, Middle East & Pakistan
Deputy Chief of Division
Asset Management Division
Kyuden International Corporation
During the fish-hunting season, all the penguins will gather at the tip of the iceberg.
不是每个人一开始都会跳进水里. Just like within any group of people, there are varying levels of risk-aversion, fear, and skill.
Then, the First Penguin jumps in. 她的动机是饥饿和社区的需要, 她冒险探索未知的世界.
Someone has to lead the way, so why not me? 这是我们想要灌输给员工的态度. To bravely take charge, embrace change, 引领为子孙后代提供能源的道路.
Sustainability is at the core of our business and we aim to be an energy provider with a positive impact on the environment. In Singapore, we do so by providing eco-friendly energy solutions that help households and businesses reduce their carbon footprint.
At Senoko Energy, we deliver innovative energy solutions to our customers and address the challenges of the transforming energy landscape continuously.
我们设想一个由100%绿色能源驱动的未来. 为了铺平道路,我们推出了SolarShare. A unique marketplace where households and businesses can conveniently tap many more options of solar power.
让我们帮助您实现绿色家园的梦想. 使用100%碳中和的电力为您的每一天供电, charging support for your electric vehicle, 以及其他智能解决方案,让可持续发展成为你的生活方式.
Here’s to a net-zero future. Together with our partner City Energy, 我们很高兴探索与氢相关的机会, 以满足新加坡未来对清洁能源的需求.